Telegram channel link ???????????? https://www.t.me/yekpellebalatar Instagram page link ???????????? / yekpellebalatar ـ This analysis helps you to pay attention to all the aspects that affect the success and growth of your business and develop appropriate strategies based on the data obtained. For example, strengths can be your competitive advantages, and on the other hand, identifying weaknesses helps you to improve them. Strengths are the capabilities and advantages that make the organization successful. These points can include expertise in a specific field, unique technology, or your professional team. Identifying these advantages allows you to use them to outperform your competitors and take advantage of existing opportunities. Weaknesses are aspects that may harm your business or hinder its growth and development. These points may include a lack of sufficient financial resources, lack of experience in certain fields, or structural problems. Identifying weaknesses helps you improve them and reduce their negative impacts on the organization with proper planning. Opportunities are also factors and conditions that can contribute to your growth and success. These factors may include positive changes in the market, new technologies, or new customer needs. By identifying and making optimal use of opportunities, you can expand your business and grow faster. Threats include factors that can jeopardize the success and profitability of the organization. These factors can include intense competition, sudden changes in the market, or legal changes. Identifying threats helps you prevent their negative impacts on your organization with proper planning and strategy. In this video, we will teach you different methods of identifying and analyzing these four factors so that you can plan better and more effectively for your business and personal life. By learning this method, you can improve your weaknesses, exploit opportunities, manage threats, and enhance your strengths. This skill will help you make better decisions and walk the path to growth and success with more confidence. So if you are looking for a way to improve your business strategies and personal growth, don't miss this video.