Here you will see how the display: inline property works in practice. If you prefer reading rather than watching the video, you can access the video post on medium: /stop-kicking-and-learn-how-it-works... Code on Github: https://github.com/MarcoBrunoBR/pare-... Code on Codepen: https://codepen.io/MarcoBrunoBR/pen/N... If you have any questions or didn't like something, please be sure to comment so I can improve my life. I won't be offended by any comment, in fact I'll think about it and try to improve :-) Content that is spoken at the end of the video: display: block - / stop-chuting-and-learn-how-it-works-od... display: inline-block - / stop-chuting-and-learn-how-it-works-od... ⁉️Questions⁉️ Join CollabCode's Discord: http://bit.ly/discord-collabcode #frontend #css Contacts: ???? CollabCode's Twitter - / collabcodetech ???????????? CollabCode's Facebook - / collabcode ???? Marco Bruno's Twitter - / marcobrunobr ???? Marco Bruno's Linkedin - / marcobrunobr ???????????? Marco Bruno's Facebook - / marco.bruno.br