This placemat is a hit here in my studio, and I want it to be a hit in yours too. So come with me and learn this model that is super easy to make and super profitable. For this placemat we will need: * Sackcloth (cut 37x47) half a Sackcloth * Tricoline fabric (10cm wide strips) And of course, a label that can't be missing. If you don't have one yet, get in touch with our partner on the neighboring network. @taniaetiquetas Tell me what you think and if you want to learn how to make this model with mitered corners, if you have a lot of comments, I will make a video lesson for you. ================== ???? Sewing in a light, creative and profitable way. Largest Table Linen Sewing Community? ✂️Subscribe now.???????? https://costuradescomplicada.rds.land... ================== Find me on social media ????Instagram PROFE Kelly Cancian???????? https://instagram.com/kelly.cancian?i... ???? YouTube Channel???????? / @kellycancian ????️ WEBSITE TECIDOS ENTRELINHAS???????? (Sack, Fabric and Haberdashery Store) https://www.tecidosentrelinhas.com.br/ ================== Share this video with a friend???????? • STEP-BY-STEP - EASY PLACEMAT ...