Hosted by Boy Olmi and featuring testimonies from the most prestigious archaeologists in our country, “SHINCAL: The Inca footprint in Argentina” proposes a tour of an enigmatic place in the Argentine Northwest. The documentary presents the history of the southernmost Inca settlement known to date. Located in the Northwest of Argentina, near the town of London, within the department of Belén -current province of Catamarca-, the Shincal de Quimivíl was the southern capital of the ancient Inca Empire. This enclave was built during the second half of the 15th century and planned as one of the most important political-administrative centers of the Empire. From there, raw materials and objects manufactured by the indigenous communities, conquered during the expansion of the empire, were distributed to the entire Tawantinsuyu -the name given to the territory of the Inca empire-. It also functioned as a ceremonial center for parties and celebrations attended by a large number of people. The unitary immerses the viewer in the logic and cosmogony of the Incas, which left an indelible mark on local cultures today.