To start with 100 laying hens EMBRAPA 051, it is necessary to calculate the costs of the structure at the beginning of laying. This is a phase where we only have expenses and no economic return. To start from scratch, there are the costs for a shed and equipment: R$12,000.00 to R$15,000.00 Chicks: R$7.50/unit = 100 = R$750.00 Veterinary and cleaning products = R$1,200.00 to R$1,500.00 Cost of feed 100 Embrapa 051 from birth to start of laying Pre-starter: 1 – 21 days Consumption per bird in the period = 400g 100 birds = consumption of 40 kg = R$226.40 Starter: 22 – 42 days Consumption per bird in the period = 700g 100 birds = consumption of 70 kg = R$205.80 Rearing I: 07 – 12 weeks Consumption per bird in the period = 2.31 kg 100 birds = consumption of 231 kg = R$626.28 Rearing II: 13 – 17 weeks Consumption per bird in the period = 2.65 kg 100 birds = consumption of 265 kg = R$707.81 Pre-Laying: 18 – 19 weeks Consumption per bird in the period = 1.31 kg 100 birds = consumption of 131 kg = R$343.47 TOTAL = 16,000.00 www.escoladeavicultores.com