???? Discover the potential for savings with an agricultural consultancy (Call on WhatsApp) https://canalagrobrasil.com/consultor... Potassium and Phosphorus are the two main nutrients that we must provide via fertilization for soybean crops, but how much to add, how to add, would it be better to use a formulated fertilizer such as 05-25-25 or 02-23-23, 00-20-20 or is it better to use simple potassium chloride fertilizers, super simple, MAP? These are very common doubts among producers and consultants, we show 3 different literatures and how we can manage these nutrients in the best possible way. ???? Professional Soybean Cultivation Course https://esafertil.com/cursodesoja ???? AgroBrasil channel group on Whatsapp: https://canalagrobrasil.com/conteudos... ▶ AgroBrasil channel group on Telegram: https://t.me/agrobrasil_br ???? Is it worth planting soybeans? How much does a crop cost? • How much does a SOYBEAN crop cost? Possibility of... ???? Boron positioning in soybean crops • Boron positioning in soybean crops ???? Did not use fertilizer on soybeans and produced more than 80 sc/ha • Did not use fertilizer on soybeans and produced more... It is important to emphasize that each case is specifically thought out and planned with the preferential monitoring of an agricultural engineer. Be part of the AgroBrasil family and receive the content before everyone else, becoming a new member of the channel: / @agrobrasil