🚂 SPANISH IBERIAN RAILWAY 🚂 ( Trains from Spain ) Freight trains , isolated locomotive , Renfe Madrid Commuter Trains , Medium Distance and Talgo InterCity Compilation of railway traffic at the stations of Aranjuez and Ciempozuelos Trains in the Community of Madrid : 🚂 Talgo InterCity train , Branch 6B1 with double locomotive 334 , passing through the Aranjuez station ( whistled ) 🚂 Rende Medium Distance train 449 double composition , passing through the Ciempozuelos station ( whistled ) 🚂 Renfe Mercancías , double 333 prima + Teco mixed and with very good whistles , passing through the Ciempozuelos station 🚂 Renfe Mercancías , double 253 TRAXX Bombardier sustainable transport + Tramesa train Fertiberia , passing through Aranjuez station 🚂 Renfe Media Distancia train 449 , passing through Ciempozuelos station ( whistled ) 🚂 Renfe Mercancías , locomotive 333 prima , isolated by Aranjuez 🚂 Civia 465 Cercanías Renfe Madrid train , entering Ciempozuelos station ( whistled ) 🚂 Renfe Media Distancia train 449 , arriving and departing in Aranjuez ( whistled ) 🚂 Renfe MD 598 train , arriving and departing in Aranjuez 🚂 Renfe Mercancías 253 TRAXX Bombardier ( leased to LCR ) + Teco , passing through Aranjuez 🚂 Renfe MD 598 train , arriving at Aranjuez station 🚂 Civia 465 Cercanías Renfe Madrid train, arriving at Aranjuez station 🚂 Civia 465 departing from Ciempozuelos station (honked) 🚂 Renfe Media Distancia train 449, arriving and departing in Aranjuez (honked) 🚂 Civia 465 departing from Aranjuez 🚂 Civia 465 arriving in Aranjuez 🚂 449 MD departing from Aranjuez (honked) 🚂 Civia 465 departing from Aranjuez 🚂 Civia 465 departing from Aranjuez 🚂 449 MD passing through Ciempozuelos station (honked) 🚂 Civia 465 leaving Aranjuez (honked) 🚂 449 MD passing through Ciempozuelos station 🚂 Civia 465 leaving Aranjuez #comboiosdomundo #spanishrail Compilation of rail traffic in the Community of Madrid Isolated locomotive , Passenger & freight trains 📍 Aranjuez station 📍 Ciempozuelos station Madrid - Spain / Spain Europe - Europe 2022