#igorrasteryaev The video of the concert was recorded at the BTK-music-fest on 27.02.2023, which took place on the Small Stage of the Bolshoi Puppet Theater (Saint Petersburg, Russia) Playlist: 0:00 Beginning 0:17 Song about childhood 3:59 Daisies 8:13 Song of a shift worker 11:11 Song about Yura Prishchepny 15:15 Leningrad song 18:37 Grandfather Agvan (I have not seen my own grandfathers ...) POEM 22:08 St. George's ribbon 26:54 Combine operators 30:26 Russian road 33:18 Cossack 36:33 Silence 40:56 Spring Saint Petersburg, 27.02.2023 Igor Rasteryaev on VK: https://vk.com/igorrasteryaev Write comments, like and subscribe to the channel: / ondrey777 Igor Rasteryaev the best Russian new world great popular folk music song hit 2011 accordion harmonic music for the Russian, Russian song, Russian song, Russian accordion, sings well, sings soulfully, good song, Russian singer, singer, composer, composer, songwriter, singer, songwriter , Rus folkloru, Rus müziği, روسی گیت, روسی لوک،, روسی موسیقی،, akordeon, harmonijka, rosyjskie pieśni, folklor rosyjski, rosyjska muzyka, الأكورديون،, , folklore russo, musica russa, music, Russian folklore, Russian folklore, Russian music, accordion, accordion, Russian music, Russian folklore, Russian music, harmonica, sings well, sings soulfully, good song,