ABOUT timber truck and timber truck. What are the similarities and differences? Timber truck with VM10L hydraulic manipulator UST 5453 Ural 4320, 6x6, 8.2 tons, 230 hp, Ural 4320 timber truck with VM10L. Timber truck on Ural 4320-1912-60M chassis with VM10L hydraulic manipulator is designed for loading, unloading and transportation of timber weighing up to 10 tons on a timber truck platform on all types of roads and terrain. The VM10L hydraulic manipulator, mounted on the rear overhang of the timber truck, allows for lifting operations without the use of additional equipment. The GM design includes retractable outrigger supports, which significantly facilitates the operator's work and increases the stability of the base vehicle when installed at the end of the frame. More details on UralST: http://www.uralst.ru/model.php?id=2695 Timber truck with GM VM10L UST 5453 Ural M 5557-72, 6x6, 285 hp, Timber tractor with GM VM10L, Ural M 5557-72M chassis, 13 t capacity, YaMZ 536, air brakes, reinforced transfer case and axles. The timber truck on the Ural 5557-72M chassis is designed for loading, unloading and transporting logs up to 23 meters long as part of a timber road train. The timber tractor is equipped with a folding bunk. A VM10L manipulator is installed behind the cab of the timber truck, ensuring lifting operations weighing up to 3.1 tons. More details on UralST: http://www.uralst.ru/model.php?id=7918 Our channel on youtube: / uralspec. . __________________________________________________________ Our website: http://www.uralst.ru/ Vkontakte: http://uralst.ru/VK Vkontakte (group): http://uralst.ru/USTvk Odnoklassniki: _http://uralst.ru/OK Twitter: http://uralst.ru/Twitter Instagram: http://uralst.ru/Instagram Linkedin: http://uralst.ru/Linkedin _________________________________________________________