Quotes and excerpts from the book “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind” by Shunryu Suzuki. A monk, philosopher, and master of Soto Zen Buddhism, Shunryu Suzuki, or Suzuki Roshi (1905 - 1971) was one of the most influential spiritual teachers of the 20th century. Deeply respected in Japan, Suzuki left his country for the United States in 1958, where he founded the first Zen Buddhist monastery outside of Asia, in San Francisco, California. Through his great wisdom and charismatic personality, Suzuki was the first Zen master to gain popularity in the Western world, and his book “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind” has become one of the best-selling books in modern spiritual literature. Learn more at: https://www.dharmalog.com/2012/08/22/... ???? Get Shunryu Suzuki's books through our Amazon link: Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: https://amzn.to/3lVrRBB It's Not Always Like This: https://amzn.to/39z16gn “When you are sitting in the midst of your own problem, which is more real to you: your problem or yourself? The awareness that you are here, at this very moment, is the indisputable fact.” Shunryu Suzuki. “Treat each moment as your last. It is not preparation for something else.” Shunryu Suzuki. “As soon as you see something, you begin to intellectualize it. As soon as you intellectualize something, it is no longer what you saw.” Shunryu Suzuki. Music: Zen Mindfulness Meditation ( • Zen Mindfulness Meditation Music & Vi... ) ========================================= ???? Corvo Seco is a study group about non-duality. ???? Help maintain our channel: PIX: [email protected] ???? Instagram: / corvoseco ???? Facebook: / corvoseco ???? Contact us: [email protected] #ShunryuSuzuki #ZenBuddhism