Summary of the series A Second Chance with the stars Yasmine Sabry, Ahmed Magdy and Aiten Amer The events revolve around the engineer Malak, who goes through many relationships and emotional experiences and fails because of her love for work, but soon finds herself a prey in the hands of the greedy. The series A Second Chance starring Yasmine Sabry - Ahmed Magdy - Heba Magdy Written by: Mustafa Gamal Hashem - Mohamed Sayed Bashir Produced by: Synergy and Fathy Ismail Directed by: Marcos Adel To watch more summaries: https://tinyurl.com/5n7pmn57 Subscribe to the official channel: http://bit.ly/ONtvEG Subscribe to the official channel: http://bit.ly/OnDrama #A_Second_Chance #On_Drama #ondrama: Follow us on ـــــ Facebook / ondramaeg Instagram / ondrama.eg Facebook / ontv Instagram / ontv Twitter / ontvegy TikTok / ontv