War movie with stars Ahmed El Sakka and Mohamed Farag - War movie - HARB War series consists of 10 episodes, and the events of the War series by Ahmed El Sakka take place in a framework of suspense and excitement. Its events revolve around the crises that the artist Ahmed El Sakka faces and enters into a conflict with the artist Mohamed Farag, and the events of the series escalate throughout the episodes of the series, and the work is written by Hani Sarhan, and directed by Ahmed Nader Galal. Ahmed El Sakka, Mohamed Farag, Ahmed Saeed Abdel Ghani, and Sarah El Shamy participate in the series "War" Written by: Hani Sarhan Directed by: Ahmed Galal Produced by Synergy Company #War #Ahmed_El Sakka #Mohamed_Farag To watch more clips from the War series: http://bitly.ws/CTXP Subscribe to the official channel: http://bit.ly/Synergyofficial ------------- Youtube / ontveg Facebook / ontv Twitter / ontvegy Instagram / ontv Tik tok tiktok.com/onent