Nina, a botanist, is struggling to find a job after the local botanical garden closes. In an unexpected offer, Vladimir Shelikhov, the heir to a noble family, offers her a job as a replacement for the runaway gardener in his luxurious mansion, which is a museum visited every Friday. But Nina witnesses the sudden death of the owner one Friday, and the death of the eldest son occurs during the funeral the following week. Everything is going suspiciously, indicating that someone is trying to get rid of the Shelikhov family. Nina must uncover the secret of the crimes that have befallen this family over the years. #Drama_Series #Dubbed_Series #Drama Welcome! We offer you a variety of the best series dubbed into Arabic, where you can enjoy drama, romance and excitement from stories that come from Eastern Europe and Russia. Be part of the journey of excitement and suspense with us, and discover with us new worlds of Russian emotions and exciting events. Subscribe now and do not miss a single episode!