Tattoos have become an increasingly popular means of artistic expression. However, before getting a tattoo, it is very important to be conscious of the subject and fully understand what it is. For this reason, we have tried to convey the basic information about what a tattoo is and how it works. Enjoy the movie. *** Join our viewers who financially support Evrim Ağacı so we can produce more content: To support with the YouTube Join button: / @evrimagaci To make one-time or monthly regular support in Turkish Lira: https://kreosus.com/evrimagaci To join our Patreon supporters: / evrimagaci To purchase our science t-shirts, books, and other products: https://pazar.evrimagaci.org/ To support via IBAN number, cryptocurrency or PayPal: https://dar.vin/MaddiDestek *** Music: The music used in this video is taken from BenSound (https://www.bensound.com/). Video: All video sources quoted in this video are stated in the video. All videos without a source are taken from Pixabay (https://pixabay.com/videos/). Icons: The icons used in this video are taken from Flat Icon (https://www.flaticon.com/). *** To watch our latest video: https://dar.vin/SonVideo To watch our most popular video: https://dar.vin/EnPopuler *** To subscribe to our channel: https://dar.vin/EAYouTube