The birth of the universe began nearly 14 billion years ago and an unimaginable amount of things have happened during that time. Galaxies have formed, stars have been born, and thousands of billions of planets, including Earth, have come into existence. In contrast, a human life span lasts an average of 70 years, during which we are born, grow up, grow old, and die. Every moment of life is important and significant for a person, but these 70 years are only a fraction of the universe's time scale, like pouring a glass of water into the Earth's oceans. So a person will miss out on a lot of things that will happen in the universe, so in this video I will present to you some events that will definitely happen, but unfortunately, we will not live to see them. Earth-Eradicating Asteroid The object named 99942 Apophis was discovered on June 19, 2004, and immediately caused a huge concern. It turned out that there is a relatively high, 2.7% chance of a collision with Earth in 2029. We will collide with the Andromeda Galaxy Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is on a collision course with its neighbor, that is, Andromeda, which is approaching us at this very moment at a speed of about 110 kilometers per second. The collision will occur in about 4 and a half billion years, but which of the two galaxies will survive the encounter? Life on Earth will end But no one will certainly experience this collision, at least not from Earth. Because by the time these two galaxies collide, the surface of the Earth will be too hot for liquid water to exist, and life on it will end. The End of Everything / The Whole Universe Will Die If we look up at the sky tonight, thousands of stars will shine in the sky, but there will come a time when everything will be plunged into darkness. In hundreds of billions of years, all star formation will have ended, and only black holes, white dwarfs, brown dwarfs and neutron stars will be left in the universe. Shocking Universal Events That Are Really Going to Happen Music: Mysterious Ambient Background Music - The Rake Peaceful Ambient Background Music - This Fascinating world 0:00 We will be left behind from everything 0:58 Asteroid that will destroy the Earth 2:33 We will collide with this galaxy 5:17 Life on Earth will end 6:51 The whole universe will die #universe #universe