For four decades, we have been given conflicting information, especially when it comes to eggs. Are eggs good or bad for the heart? Do they raise cholesterol? Should we avoid them altogether? These questions can confuse anyone. So in today's video, we want to address the truth about eggs and heart disease and finally clear this up once and for all. We are going to do a scientific review together, look at some key studies and dispel the myths surrounding this controversial food. We also talk about the main problems that eggs can cause and show you how to avoid them. Dr. Khoob's Instagram for sending urgent questions: www.instagram.com/dr__khoob ------------------------------- Causes of prostate enlargement: • Causes of prostate enlargement Causes of pr... Prostate cancer: • Prostate cancer Enlarged Prostate Tre... Treatment of straining during urination and incomplete emptying of the bladder: • Treatment of incomplete emptying, pain and straining... [email protected] Instagram: dr__khoob ___________________ Attribution: in this video I used for free commercial use vectors and graphics elements by pixabay.com If I used a video or photo within my video it's licensed under creative common (used allowed). ________________________ This video is for general information only and should not be used for self-diagnosis and is not a substitute for diagnosis, examination, treatment and prescription or advice. You should not make any changes to your lifestyle or diet before consulting your doctor and getting a medical examination, diagnosis and advice. This video does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified medical care provider in person with any questions you may have about a medical condition. ____________________________ This video is for general information only and should not be used for self-diagnosis and is not a substitute for diagnosis, examination, treatment and prescription or advice. You should not make any changes to your lifestyle or diet before consulting your doctor and receiving medical examination, diagnosis and advice. This video does not create a doctor-patient relationship. For any questions you may have about a medical condition, always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified medical service provider in person. Triglyceride blood concentration