It's a manga that has swept everything before it since its broadcast in 2009, then its transformation into an anime, to the point of becoming an irresistible global phenomenon. But for all that: have Attack on Titan, its mangaka Hajime Isayama, its concentric walls already entered into Legend? Sébastien-Abdelhamid Godelu asks the question, with hand-picked experts: manga translator (and big SNK fan) Fedoua Lamodière (@TiffyShindo), Pika Edition editorial manager Mehdi Benrabah and the inevitable specialist journalist Valentin Paquot (Athan0R). Thanks to: Editions Pika / www.pika.fr @Anime / alltheanime.fr All Clique shows can be watched for free and in full on myCANAL: http://can.al/clique Subscribe to the Clique channel: http://bit.ly/10UoT5i All the videos on http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq Clique, the website: http://www.clique.tv Clique on Twitter: / cliquetv Clique on Facebook: / cliquetv Clique on Instagram: / cliquetv Clique on Tik Tok: / clique_tv Mouloud Achour on Instagram: / mouloudachour ************************************************* Subscribe to Clique's channel: http://bit.ly/10UoT5i All the videos: http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq Clique website: http://www.clique.tv Follow us on Twitter: / cliquetv Follow us on Facebook: / cliquetv Follow us on Instagram: / cliquetv Follow us on Tik Tok: / clique_tv