▼Click here to watch the rest of this video (paid version for members only)↓↓↓ • [Membership only] Kawahara Takumi x Nishino Akihiro *With membership you can watch all past paid content (Snack Nishino, Learn with Nishino)! ★How to register for membership to watch the paid version★ 1. Click the URL below or the "Become a Member" button / @akihironishino 2. Select your payment method from the purchase procedure screen and click the "Purchase" button 3. Once the procedure is completed, you will receive the following benefits ・Watch the members-only paid version of "Snack Nishino" every other Saturday ・A members-only badge will be displayed on the user name in comments and chats ※Membership registration cannot be made from the iOS YouTube app, so please register from the web version of YouTube ▼Click here for Kawahara Takumi's video ↓↓↓ • [King Kong Nishino x Kawahara Takumi] The two consider "the necessary conditions for a successful business" ▼Click here for Kawahara Takumi's YouTube channel ↓↓↓ @beyourself4858 ▼Click here for Kawahara Takumi's X ↓↓↓ https://x.com/takumikawahara ▼Click here for Kawahara Takumi's Instagram ↓↓↓ / takumi.kwhr ▼Click here for corporate projects and advertising using Nishino ↓↓↓ https://bit.ly/49lSzK6 ▼Click here to join the online salon "Akihiro Nishino Entertainment Research Institute" ↓↓↓ https://salon.jp/nishino #KonMari-style tidying consultant #KonMari #Akihiro Nishino