This is the animated series that changed everything. In the United States, in France, and in the world. A dysfunctional family that we always wonder why it is yellow. A city hated by politicians, adored by stars, who sometimes did everything to appear there. A cult opening sequence. An exceptional longevity, too. In short, The Simpsons has long been a legendary series. So, with Sébastien-Abdelhamid Godelu, Apolline Goudet, Thomas Pillon (Gameblog) and Alexandre Poncet, enter the legend of Springfield! All Clique shows can be watched for free and in full on myCANAL: http://can.al/clique Subscribe to the Clique channel: http://bit.ly/10UoT5i All the videos on http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq Clique, the website: http://www.clique.tv Click on Twitter: / cliquetv Click on Facebook: / cliquetv Click on Instagram: / cliquetv Click on Tik Tok: / clique_tv Mouloud Achour on Instagram: / mouloudachour ************************************************* Subscribe to Clique's channel: http://bit.ly/10UoT5i All the videos: http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq Clique website: http://www.clique.tv Follow us on Twitter: / cliquetv Follow us on Facebook: / cliquetv Follow us on Instagram: / cliquetv Follow us on Tik Tok: /clique_tv