It's a manga, then an anime, then toys that swept everything in their path, marking the 80s (and a large part of the Clique editorial team). Whether in Japan or in France - thanks to the unforgettable Club Dorothée. Work of the brilliant Masami Kurumada, Saint Seiya (aka Les Chevaliers du Zodiaque) pushed an entire generation to discuss the merits of their zodiac sign and the mythologies of the world. So, with Sébastien-Abdelhamid Godelu, Grégoire Hellot (aka Golden Greg), Romain Dasnoy (Overlook Events & Wayô Productions, Saint Seiya Symphonic Adventure) and Nicolas Ducos (éditions Kana), burn your cosmos and enter the legend of Saint Seiya. As a bonus, exclusive announcements: the next manga approved by the author and which will be released in 2022, the symphonic concert and the first appearance of Tsume Art's HQS Hyoga. Thanks: Stéphanie Nunez (Editions Kana), Laure Peduzzi (Kurokawa), Katya Deparis (Mediawan), Laurent et Victor (Tsume Art), Laurent Benaim (Manga Story), Fabrice Dangla (Tamashii Nation). Tsume Art: https://www.tsume-art.com/fr/ Tamashii Nations France: https://tamashiinations.fr All Clique shows can be watched for free and in full on myCANAL: http://can.al/clique Subscribe to the Clique channel: http://bit.ly/10UoT5i All the videos on http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq Clique, the website: http://www.clique.tv Click on Twitter: / cliquetv Click on Facebook: / cliquetv Click on Instagram: / cliquetv Click on Tik Tok: / clique_tv Mouloud Achour on Instagram: / mouloudachour ************************************************* Subscribe to Clique's channel: http://bit.ly/10UoT5i All the videos: http://bit.ly/1cY7eJq Clique website: http://www.clique.tv Follow us on Twitter: / cliquetv Follow us on Facebook: / cliquetv Follow us on Instagram: / cliquetv Follow us on Tik Tok: / clique_tv