In the first episode of the series, Grzegorz Miśtal went on a journey across Poland to discover the extraordinary world of birds of prey and their researchers. He is accompanied by one of the most talented actors of the young generation, Mateusz Damięcki. In Podlasie and Mazovia, they participate in ornithologists' campaigns, who devote a lot of energy and time to saving endangered species. The white-tailed eagle is the largest bird of prey in Europe. Mateusz accompanies scientists from the Eagle Protection Committee in the ringing of this eagle's chicks. To remove them from the nest, he climbs a tall tree and passes them down to be ringed. In the program, we will learn about the purpose of ringing birds of prey and how monitoring contributed to saving the population of white-tailed eagles, which was drastically decreasing at the beginning of the 19th century. The lesser spotted eagle is one of the rarest Polish birds of prey. Although it may seem surprising in the case of such a wild creature, demographic and technological changes in Polish villages had a large impact on the collapse of this bird's population. Just a few decades ago, eagles lived near human fields and settlements, cut, mowed meadows and pastures were ideal feeding grounds for them. Now, when young people are fleeing the countryside to cities, and farmers are not paying to mow and graze cattle, the birds have a big problem with hunting down prey. Mateusz and Grzegorz will find out how people are trying to help them regain good feeding grounds and thus save this dying species in the vicinity of Białystok and the Białowieża Forest.