Marine Le Pen has understood everything about her era, she plays with the media and perfectly seizes the spotlight. However, she remains unknown to the general public. Within the extreme right, many criticize her for politically correct vocabulary. Outside, her statements recognizing the barbarity of the Holocaust have made Marine Le Pen more acceptable. Is she really? She refutes the term "extreme right". Can it, yes or no, be applied to the new National Front? How does it perpetuate, in a more attractive and therefore potentially more dangerous way, all the fundamentals of Jean-Marie Le Pen? In the opinion of all, the fine connoisseurs of the FN, experts or former members, the modernity displayed by Marine Le Pen hides an essentially electoralist will and not a break. Changes in tone exist, notably on the economy or the conception of the State and secularism, but they never liquidate the political legacy of Jean-Marie Le Pen, of whom his daughter never ceases to say that "he was right before everyone else". According to experts, if she changes her style, she does not change the FN's software, nor the fundamentals of the party. Director: Caroline Fourest, Fiammetta Venner