http://www.robertomattioli.com - A thousand sheep for Cascia on the occasion of the Capo Lanuto Market Fair held in the town of Ritiana at the beginning of April 2017. Coldiretti Sardegna with the help of many Sardinian shepherds set sail from Golfo Aranci with landing in Civitavecchia, to then reach Cascia where the ceremony of delivery by drawing lots of a thousand heads of sheep took place, all in the meticulous, ideological respect that is in the name SA PARADURA. The filming is by Sardegna Live, Alessandro Mastrini and Ivonanni 1. The rock - progressive group Istentales led by Gigi Sanna, provided the soundtrack for the event with Tullio De Piscopo. The report is by Roberto Mattioli. (April 2017)