Church service live from the FeG Nuremberg Sermon: Dirk Modelhauer Moderation: Jan Gehrke Music: Karen Leiblein and team -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: Countdown -------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the FeG Nuremberg: ► WEBSITE and NEWSLETTER REGISTRATION: https://feg-nuernberg.de/ ► MAGAZINE: https://fegnbg.de/magazin ► INSTAGRAM: https://fegnbg.de/insta ► FACEBOOK: https://fegnbg.de/fb Overview: ► SEELENPROVIANT: https://fegnbg.de/seelenproviant ► CHURCH SERVICES: https://fegnbg.de/godi-online ► IMPRINT: https://feg-nuernberg.de/impressum/ ► GEMA OVERALL CONTRACT As part of the Bund FeG, the claims for the public reproduction of works from the GEMA repertoire in church services and worship events are settled by the general contract and lump sum contract (7010055984) between the Association of Evangelical Free Churches eV (VEF) and GEMA.