Church service live from the FeG Nuremberg Sermon: Jan-Peter Graap Moderation: Jürgen Lawrenz Music: David + Benjamin Utsch -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: Intro 00:00 Welcome 01:04 Morning star 01:35 Prayer + congregation out of the house 04:04 Soul, your Savior is free from the bonds 10:12 I know that my Redeemer lives 12:25 Introduction to the topic + reading: Mk 16 15:14 That is what I believe 18:37 Sermon 22:51 A stone falls into the water 48:36 Prayer + announcements 50:59 Do not be sad 53:47 Blessing 55:56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Children's service: • April 12, 2020 Children's service O... Easter service of the Bund FeG Deutschland KdöR: • Jesus lives - right in the middle FeG Ostergo... About the church: ℹ️ Website and newsletter registration: https://feg-nuernberg.de/ ???? MAGAZINE (church newsletter) as PDF: https://feg-nuernberg.de/wp-content/u... Evening service: ???? Instagram: / sonntagabendgodi.nbg ???? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5lp... Overview: ???? Soul provisions: • Soul provisions ⛪ Church services: • Church services Email addresses: ✉️ [email protected] ✉️ [email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ℹ️ Imprint: http://feg-nuernberg.de/index.php?id=... GEMA OVERALL CONTRACT As part of the Bund FeG, the claims for public reproduction of Works from the GEMA repertoire in church services and worship events are covered by the general contract and lump sum contract (7010055984) of the Association of Evangelical Free Churches (VEF) with GEMA. #Easter #FeGGermany #FeGNürnberg #FeGNuernberg