Sponsor of this video: https://techsiro.com//techsiro. Branch 1, Imam Khomeini Square, Ferdowsi South, Central Passage, ground floor, No. 7, Tehran, Shahrak Gharb, Farahzadi Blvd., Kitab Square, Opal Complex, Seventh Floor, Unit 736, Branch 3, Jumohri St., Hafez Intersection, Tehran , Charso Passage, negative first floor, number A48 ???? Unboxing my 100 million gaming equipment for my room today we are going to have a 100 million unboxing together. If you liked the video, don't forget to like ------------------------------- My game channel @ALIXSHOTGAME My third channel @ALIXSHOT2 ------------------------------ ALIXSHOT Ali X Shot ------------- --------------- link to the previous video • The most expensive energy source in Iran ???? was very delicious ---------------------- ---------- Ali Xshot ???? My 100 million unboxed gaming equipment for my room #challenge #Anbox #Anboxing #100 ALIXSHOT