No, this is not a clickbate. In Riccione near Rimini, our RV was broken into while we were sitting just 50 meters away. Apparently the thieves were only after money and were desperate to get the remaining security systems. You can see what I installed, how they got in and what I'm getting now in the video. My alarm system is the Thitronik WiPro III in the basic version (securing the body door, the driver's cabin doors and encryption of the vehicle radio key) www.thitronik.de/produkte/produkt/wipro-iii/ Window security: www.womo-sicherheit.de Door safes: www.mobil-safe.net Floor compartment safe: www.camperboards.de Door chains: www.camperprotect.de/p/fahrer-und-beifahrertuerverriegelung-einbruchschutz-ab-2020