In this video we discover all the possible causes of pain in the hip area, all the critical points and the possible solutions. ►► TRY MY COURSE “HIP SOLUTION” https://bit.ly/3i5QIkx ►► VISIT MY SITE FOR OTHER COURSES AND CONSULTATIONS https://www.laltrariabilitazione.it/ Hip pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal problems: the hip is the third most affected joint in terms of various problems, behind the knee and shoulder. Hip pain can derive from many different pathologies, but basically there are two large families of problems: hip pain from a problem EXTERNAL to the joint. This means that the tendons and bursae are basically inflamed, as in pubalgia or trochanteric bursitis hip pain from an INTERNAL problem. In this case the problem is inside the joint, and we are basically talking about the famous hip osteoarthritis. Fortunately, most hip problems are absolutely solvable; for the most part this is possible with rehabilitation alone, without the need for further invasive interventions. In some cases (we are talking mainly about osteoarthritis), rehabilitation has a very important supporting power, but it cannot completely solve the problem: at that point surgery is necessary, but as we will see these are interventions with a very high success rate. In this video I will give you a complete overview of hip pain, how it manifests itself and what the best remedies are.