???? If you enjoyed the interview and would like to hear a bonus, you can on Patreon, where you will also support our work: ➡️ / ukulatehostolu ???? Become a member of the Knights of the Round Table and get access to the benefits: https://bit.ly/3ASIKST ???? Adam Jícha alias Roth Wellden is a creator who is currently talking about the dark side of the Internet. In the interview with Adam, we discussed scary videos on YouTube, illegal things on Instagram and Tiktok, shops on the darknet, Tor browser, demonetized videos, benefits of the darknet, Czech content, leakage of one's own identity card, scams on the Internet, NFC chip in hand or loss of YouTube account . ???? Are you a UKS fan? You must have our T-shirt: https://bit.ly/3wZOGIL ???? Instagram: U Kulatého stolu: / ukulatehostolu Martin Klesnil: / martinklesnil Patrik Fiala: / patrikfdf ???? ČSFD: https://www.csfd.cz/film/ 874757-u-kul... ???? Microphones: Shure SM7b Link to Alza.cz or where to buy them: https://bit.ly/33bjhXi ???? Disposable support: https://bit.ly/2PmcTVi Paypal https://bit.ly/2DvDn45 Streamlabs (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Paypal) ???? Crypto support: BTC: 3E6wLn2ppWLmHoAfj7ax5p8LKpt2biroXv LTC: M9GV79Bwu1TVbZoE3LYa4BauaTWPMkgihu ETH: 0x5CeFf214D69B44b8c1292049D60b334F66a5CD1E XMR: 482ceQxMPsQ8mZTRjx3Ya8ifPvz9tJiYJiUfr1YBc38vWnETtgqxibcTbZUS83aeBK5rPpGCfUHE1fnxqdMMjUuy8X2kUHw ???? Contact email: [email protected] ???? Link to the second channel Best of U Kulaty stolu, where the best parts of all interviews are: ➡️ http://bit.ly/best-of-kulaty-stul Investown.cz is online a platform with real estate investment loans. By investing on the Investown platform, you can participate in the income derived from the provided investment loans. This is always associated with a certain risk, it is not a deposit in a bank. We recommend that you carefully evaluate all risks, for example, whether a loss will mean a major deterioration in your economic situation, and diversify your investments accordingly.