We talked with Academician and Scientific Director of the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Robert Nigmatulin about whether there is political competition in our country, who should manage the economy and its sectors, why we have high inflation and low efficiency of state investments. 00:00. Start 00:02. I am disappointed in the current system of governance, including United Russia 00:06. The current CPRF is also incapable of being a leader of society 00:08. In terms of the efficiency of public administration and state investments, we are in 50th place out of 53 00:10. Our state investments accelerate inflation, which is why the Central Bank raises the rate 12:00. We need an investment attack and a change of ministers of the economic block 14:00. Scientists and specialists should manage industries, not lawyers and financiers 16:00. We must move away from praising the supreme authority and creating a personality cult 18:00. We have a weak, inert and cowardly opposition 20:00. There must be power, but it must be subject to criticism 22:00. Our eternal vice is following the usual rut 24:00. Neither tsars nor presidents are smarter than their people 26:00. Our economic growth is ineffective and only increases inflation 28:00. The price of electricity in Russia is 70% higher than in the USA 30:00. There is no competition in the political system 32:00. The 2013 decree dealt a terrible blow to our science 34:00. Those appointed from above are sometimes just incompetent "stooges" 36:00. The president must be under fire from his voters 38:00. The culture of communication between the people and their leaders has disappeared