🙏#PL Church Sunday Service Guide🙏 [Time] Morning service 11:00 / Afternoon service 3:00 [Location] B01-03, Building C, Noryangjin Dream Square, 7 Nodeul-ro 2-gil, Dongjak-gu, Seoul (Inquiries: 010 7376 1948) [PL Church_Online Donation] Hana Bank 780-910020-88804 PLI PayPal: https://paypal.me/plijoaa (If you would like a donation receipt, please write the depositor's name as your name + the last 4 digits of your phone number ex) Joo Eun-hye1234) ■ Where to purchase Professor Lee Jeong-hoon's Biblical Worldview ■ Kyobo 👉 https://naver.me/G7DEytLF God People Mall 👉 https://naver.me/FrAnShdb Aladdin 👉 https://naver.me/FUzUMYRN 📌 PLC Homepage: https://plch.kr/ PLI Blog: English: https://blog.naver.com/plijoaa PLI Instagram: https://instagram.com/plijoaa_insta?i... PLI Homepage: https://elipolicy.com/ [PLI Video and Praise Song License Information] This mission has acquired a church copyright license and streaming license from CCLI. This mission uses it for non-profit worship purposes in accordance with the CCLI church copyright license and streaming license regulations. If an advertisement is played in this video, it is decided by the copyright holder of the song, not the mission, and the revenue will be distributed to the copyright holder of the song, not the mission. - You can check the license acquisition of this mission at CCLI. PLI Mission CCLI License CCLI License # 779988 / CCLI Streaming Licensing # 2460711 The copyright of this video belongs to PLI Mission, and unauthorized posting, including unauthorized copying, distribution, and editing, is prohibited. Sound source) YouTube Taekpiano 👉 • 🎻 Rain Prepare (Psalm 147)_ Orchestra ver. (thank you)