old school dent repair - = CLASSIC = then there was no such variety of tools relevant and today it is better to watch once and then work without mistakes... Video from PDR Trainer - Martin Runik Top Gun PDR Training WANT TO HELP THE CHANNEL ❓ ✅ Click on ???? to not miss the next videos ???? ✅ Leave your comment ???? ✅ Share the video with your friends♻️ ✅ Put ???? or ???? under this video #inthegarage #withyourownhands #it'seasy #autorepairbyyourself #bodyworkwithoutpainting #paintlessrepair #PDR #AlexanderKapustkin #toolforpaintless #toolwithyourownhands #DIY #Master #inthegarage #equipmentforbodyrepair #homemadeattachmentsforPDR #cardentrepair #homemadePDRtool #Stavropol #dent_removal #cardents #DIY #DIYisEasyWithHands #DIYRepair #ToolsFromJunk #device #homemade #ThisIsBrilliant #inductionheating #bodyrepairwithout_painting #DIY