In this video, we renovate the old vegetable garden at the cottage and plant new beneficial plants there! Welcome to watch amateurs tinkering. In the next video, we take a look at what is happening to the vegetable garden now after a couple of months, when these lazy gardeners haven't had time to pull out the weeds. Does anything grow there other than dandelions? Well, at least the berry bushes should be alive. p.s. Now the language changed to Finnish on the flight! Thank you for disappearing the video! ► ABOUT US We are a young couple from Central Finland who loves nature, slow life, DIY and adventure. ► OUR SOCIAL MEDIA Inka's personal instagram: / ihaninkavaan Our TikTok: / northernlynature Unto's personal instagram: / untotheshel ►MUSIC https://www.epidemicsound.com/music/f