Are there good and bad energies? Is there karma? Are there invisible forces that surround us and influence us? I am a very skeptical but also very curious person by nature, which is why I invited Maxim Mankevich. I asked myself what is behind this spiritual woo? And even if there is a lot that cannot be proven, what can I take away from it for myself? Together with Maxim, I immersed myself in his story and that of the (im)possible. Sponsors: (ADVERTISING) https://linktr.ee/ungeskriptet_werbep... CHAPTERS: 00:00:00 - Intro 00:01:20 - Everything is energy 00:13:30 - This woman was meant for me 00:28:37 - Energy, frequency, vibration 00:46:08 - The line between truth and deception 00:56:33 - Soul and Master 01:05:11 - Spiritual narcissism 01:18:02 - Maxim reads Ben's soul numbers 01:32:44 - Why are we here? The biggest question 01:48:27 - Aliens 01:59:10 - The training 02:03:09 - One last question Ben: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ungeskripte... TikTok: / ungeskriptet Instagram: / ben_ungeskriptet Maxim: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maxim.manke... Youtube: @MaximMankevich TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/discover/maxim... Website: https://akademie.maximmankevich.com/ {ungeskriptet} is available here on YouTube and everywhere podcasts are available. All other links: https://www.ungeskriptet.com My goal is to become the best podcast host in Germany. I promise to bring the most exciting guests to my table. 100% real talk. No bullshit. #bestpodcast. #podcast #success #entrepreneur #self-discovery #spirituality #awakening #mindfulness #personalitydevelopment #soul