▶Chapter list (table of contents) 00:00 1. Arisaka tastes the bound pumpkin 01:11 2. Her first prey (SPYGEA) 02:47 3. An extremely insidious trap (Naruse) 03:42 4. A true fool, drowning in schemes (Guchitsubō) 05:06 5. A person who fell into a trap without even realizing it 06:50 6. Noriaki Vspo is semi-forced into it! Permission number: 103989A Fishing → Chill / 2255821668 Thank you Fishermen's Association / 2256576904 @ren_kisaragi__ @gutitubo @radaooo @nqrse @-kamitochannel-2486 @Arisakaaa @peintooon @spygea @NORIAKIISGOOD #VSPO #Kisaragi Ren #Guchitubo #Radda #Naruse #Kamito #Arisaka #Paint #SPYGEA #SuzukiNoriaki #vcr #minecraft Sound Effect Lab: https://soundeffect-lab.info/ Niconico Commons: https://commons.nicovideo.jp/ On-Jin ~Otojin~: https://on-jin.com/ OtoLogic: https://otologic.jp Some of them are not in use.