Visit the Language Blog to write better: https://blog.lengua-e.com/ Hello, speaker, hello, writer, I am Professor Alberto Bustos and I am here to help you write better. I have said it and I have repeated it: writing and reading are two sides of the same coin. To write better you have to read more and better. We can all benefit if we spend more time reading, and I am the first! That is why I am always looking for ways to access more and better books. There are those who find time to read and there are those who find excuses. One of the most repeated is that books are expensive, so I want to take away arguments from those who hide behind the price of books. Curiously, I often hear people complain that books are expensive, but I never hear them complain that bars are expensive and what I have been able to observe is that most people spend money in those places. Which may also be necessary. I don't know. But what worries me now are books, which is my thing. There are more ways than ever to read without spending a cent, and to do so in a perfectly ethical and, of course, legal way. Join me. Let's read more and better.