Roof insulation is now standard for new buildings and renovations. Depending on the options, rafter insulation, also known as #roof insulation, is chosen. For example, if the rafters are visible on the inside and function as a design element, insulation must be installed from the outside. Roof insulation also offers the advantage that if the roof is subsequently insulated, the rooms under the roof remain largely untouched. In the video, Stefan goes into detail about the important points such as insulation with or without shear wood. ➡️ OUR SOLUTIONS ⬅️ ✅ fischer screws ► https://www.fischer.de/de-de/produkte... ✅ fischer PowerFull ► https://www.fischer.de/de-de/produkte... ✅ fischer screw guide ► https://www.fischer.de/de-de/produkte... ➡️ INFO ⬅️ All information about fischer products► https://www.fischer.de/de-de/produkte ------------------------------ On our Facebook page you can exchange ideas with others for free and you are always up to date: ► / fischergroupdeutschland ------------------------------ ------------------------ Here you can find the seminar and e-learning offer of the fischer Academy ► https://www.fischer.de/de-de/service/... You would like Want to buy fischer products? Find a retailer near you here ► https://www.fischer.de/de-de/service/... ------------------------------ Follow us on our other online channels: Instagram: / fischer.group LinkedIn: / 14028514 fischer Blog: https://www.fischer.de/blog/de