There is nothing about Thom Yorke, Radiohead, dates or albums in this lecture. We are only talking about how the magic works in each chord, how you can experiment with the genre of a song and how music works in general. The lecture was prepared by Anna Vilenskaya, the lecture was filmed by Andrey Raudson. We say everything we think about music. But we are also incredibly interested in what you think about it. Write in the comments what you agree with and what you don’t. All the most interesting things are in our VK public page: https://vk.com/lectoriy_1703 Comics and important thoughts: / lectoriy_1703 Announcements of new lectures: https://t.me/lectoriy_1703 Donate: https://vk.com/topic-177882565_41189848 Thank you for loving music and studying it! 0:00 – What are the aspects of studying music? 4:40 – The Emotional Aspect of Studying Music 5:58 – Creep: 4 Chords with a Secret 11:19 – Fake Plastic Trees: A Song Where Everything Is Too Good 17:04 – Just: Aggressive Rise and Hypermajor 25:51 – Karma Police: Form — New Content 33:35 – The National Athem: Aggressive Trance 41:40 – Everything In Its Right Place: A Mirror of Distortion 45:22 – Knives Out: Non-Square, Hanging, and Longing 51:20 – Pyramid Song: Improvisation and Self-Quotation 53:33 – Dmitry’s Minute of Fame 53:57 – Myxomatosis: Pattern and Gregorian Chant 1:00:29 – 2+2=5: 7/8 Time and Squaring at the End 1:02:20 – Videotape: Minimalism and the Ocean 1:04:56 – The Daily Mail: Radiohead's most unusual song 1:10:35 – Daydreaming: sonorics and light space 1:12:30 – What do Radiohead's album covers mean 1:14:03 – What are the genres that Radiohead write in called