The fifth installment of the highly popular Headlight Machida. After half a year of following him, Machida says that although his YouTube views are going well, he hasn't seen any increase in TV or theater work... But now Machida has a popular junior colleague who gives him advice over lunch! The junior in question is Nadal, who is 13 years younger than Machida. The two talk about how they had almost no contact even during their time in Osaka. What will happen next? Nadal has something to say to Machida!! How will Machida respond to Nadal's serious advice? The surprising reason why Machida is recording videos is also revealed!! MBS "Did you see that?" 🌈 Every Monday to Wednesday at 23:56 - Broadcast on Kansai local channel 4🌟 Broadcasting 9 contents a week✨ We'll do our best to hit the mark🔥🔥🔥 ★Weekday MC★ Monday: MitorizuTuesday: EinsteinWednesday: Biscuit Brothers↓↓↓↓Follow us on Twitter too♬↓↓↓↓ / mbsembcontents ↓↓↓↓The latest 9 contents are now available on TVer📺↓↓↓↓ https://tver.jp/lp/series/srswb0hgsa ★★★Other performers★★★ Warai-Meshi Nishida, Fujisaki Market, Sayaka, Two Tribe, Cellulite Spa, Milk Boy Utsumi, Suehirogarizu, Double Higashi, Human Nakamura, Suchi, Heights Tomo no Kai