DR. ISAAC EFRAIM is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, and MARCOS LACERDA is a psychologist and relationship specialist. They will exchange ideas about human thought, mental health and why people think what they think. Vilela thinks that “mental health” is when someone sneezes and all you think is: “health”. WATCH this full episode: https://youtube.com/live/iIJIska-GSQ Enjoy the end of the year with #InsiderStore Use my coupon INTELIGENCIA15 to unlock a special discount! Link: https://creators.insiderstore.com.br/... APOCALYPSE GAMES CONNECT THE DOTS & CHORDS - Rogério Vilela https://jamboeditora.com.br/produto/j... Contact: [email protected] Want to send us gifts? A/C Rogério Vilela PO BOX Post Office Box: 81969 ZIP Code: 05619-970 São Paulo - SP #InteligenciaLtda #Podcast ---------- REALIZATION: Comic Book Factory HOST: Rogério Vilela Follow on Instagram: @vilela EDITING: Yasmin, Gabriel and Rafael PRODUCTION: Rogério Vilela SCRIPT: Fabio Mantoanelli