Ulrike Thiel has been working with the LDR/hyperflexion/rollkur training method for more than 20 years. This helps to turn horses into puppets that show spectacular movement patterns, but is unfortunately anything but horse-friendly. ????Since it is no longer possible to ride at the front without these spectacular movement patterns, all top horses are currently affected by them, no matter how intensively their riders do it in public or behind closed doors. But even constantly riding with a shortened neck and behind the vertical leads to many problems for the horse. ????Since the equestrian network and everyone involved manage to keep all this under the carpet and act as if riding is still in line with guidelines and in a horse-friendly manner, many are blinded by it. ????In addition, many people today no longer know what a horse that moves correctly and with joy should look like in dressage, and many of the horses' body signals are ignored. Can this development still be stopped? I say NO Illustrations: Thiel: Being ridden is how the horse experiences it. ????About the scientific meta-study on rollkur with Prof. Kienzle / e5ukdukptazvpfj2 • METASTUDY HYPERFLEXION: what does it mean... ????Podcast on the Olympic Games Part 1 • #112 Olympia 2024: Instructive perspectives... ????Part 2 Podcast • #112 Olympia 2024: Instructive perspectives... ????PS • COMMENT ON THE DUJARDIN VIDEO ????My comment on the Dujardin video / dwrpmwegxsdghcns This is just the tip of the iceberg that will kill the Titanic, dressage. ????To the playlists on my YouTube channel / @ulrikethiel-hippocampus ????Some ideas for assessing dressage tests • For assessing top dressage To the new YouTube channel / @anwältinderpferdeuthiel ????Playlists on my channel on the subject of over-bridles LDR etc.: Hyperflexion Rollkur / playlist. . Movement patterns of rollkur-trained horses / playlist. . Classical Riding vs Abusive RIding / playlist. . Spanish Riding School / playlist. . Documentation on Hyperflexion • Introduction to the documentation on ... ... Classical Horsemanship at the Spanish Riding School / playlist. . #horsewelfaregreenwashing #deskaisersneuekleiderfeidressur #richtigreitenwürdereichen #rollkur #überzäumung #hyperflexion #doitridebutdoitright