The Pattani City Police Station was notified of a brawl and physical assault between inmates, resulting in 13 injuries and 1 death. The incident occurred at Pattani Central Prison, Tambon Bana, Amphoe Mueang, Pattani Province. At the scene, five Pattani hospital vehicles were found transporting injured inmates to Pattani Hospital. An inspection found that the inmates were in Ward 1. The investigation revealed that Pattani Central Prison organized a futsal competition for inmates to compete in as a way to relax and exercise. During the competition, there was a clash, causing the fans to get emotional along with the competitors, leading to the aforementioned brawl. They used sharp metal weapons to assault each other. When asked, one inmate said that he only tried to stop his friend, but was injured as well. However, the police are investigating to find all the perpetrators before pressing charges and adding more charges. #WorkpointNews23 #WorkpointNews23Online Follow the news Workpoint News Channel 23 More at: TV Channel Workpoint (press number 23) Website: https://workpointnews.com Facebook: / newsworkpoint YouTube: / workpointnews23 Tiktok: / workpointnews23 Twitter: / wpnews23 #WorkpointNews #LatestNewsToday #OnlineNews23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Produced by Thai Broadcasting Company Limited Created by THAI BROADCASTING COMPANY LIMITED Contact Tel. 02-833-2000