On a November night in 2004, an arrest team prepares for a home invasion in The Hague's Antheunisstraat. The goal is to arrest members of a possible terrorist cell. It is the start of one of the most talked-about and largest police operations ever by the Hague unit. In De Blauwe Stoel, R25 shares the story from the eyes of the Hague arrest team for the first time. He was the first to enter the house in question and was one of the main players in the operation that is etched in the collective memory of the Netherlands. In De Blauwe Stoel, police officers talk about high-profile incidents within the Hague unit. At the former crime scene, they tell a personal story about the event where their police work makes the difference. Every two weeks, a new episode will be online on Sunday at 11:00. Subscribe to our channel and don't miss anything! #police #deblauwestoel #blauwestoel #blauwe #stoel #politieeenheiddenhaag #verhalen #politieverhalen #denhaag #politiewerk