Bookstore "E" and Publishing House "Komora" invite you to the presentation of Kateryna Babkina's new book "My Grandfather Danced Better Than All" with the participation of the author. Moderator: literary critic, curator of the Literary Laboratory of the Mystetsky Arsenal Oksana Shchur. "My Grandfather Danced Better Than All" is a series of stories that form a single story of five families, whose children meet at school on September 1, the first year of Ukraine's independence, and remain friends for life. From the twenties in Kharkiv and the destruction of the Les Kurbas Theater through the Holodomor, World War II, the nineties and several waves of emigration to the war in Donbas. This book is primarily about accepting the past. About how events and circumstances affect us regardless of whether we know about them. About the continuity and connection of generations, the desire for love and acceptance, loneliness as a consequence or as a cause. About losses - meaningful or meaningless, justified or senseless. But, most importantly, about the fact that even lonely, rejected, broken people can survive and live, because, despite everything, there is always a chance to become happy in the end. Kateryna Babkina is one of the brightest representatives of modern Ukrainian literature. Writer, screenwriter, columnist and journalist. She regularly collaborates with Ukrainian and foreign publications, including Esquire, Le Monde, Harper's Bazaar, Kenyon Review, Washington Square Review. Author of poetry collections "The Lights of St. Elmo" (2002), "Mustard" (2011), "Painkillers and Sleeping Pills" (2014), "Conjured for Love" (2017), children's books and publications "Pumpkin Year" (2014), "Hat and the Whale" (2015), "Our Birds and What Gets in the Way" (2018), the novel "Sonia" (2014), and the short story collections "Lilu After You" (2008) and "Happy Naked People" (2016). Kateryna Babkina's works have been translated into eleven languages of the world, in particular, in 2016 a German translation of the novel "Sonia" was published in Austria, in 2017 a collection of poems translated into Hebrew was published in Israel, and in 2018 "Happy Naked People" was published in Poland.