Camel pose, hero pose, pyramid stretch... A prenatal yoga session*, which will help you relieve your back pain and sciatica, common during pregnancy. Follow us on Facebook: / magrossessedoctissimo This session can be practiced several times a week, throughout pregnancy. *This session is inspired by many fitness and yoga techniques adapted to pregnancy, including the APOR® method (Posturo Respiratory Approach) developed by Dr. Bernadette De Gasquet. Her site: http://www.degasquet.com/ Director: Florence Lemaire Presentation: Lucile Woodward Thanks to: Healthcity http://www.healthcity.fr/ Adidas http://www.adidas.fr/ Reebok http://www.reebok.fr/ Lolë http://www.lolewomen.com/ 3rd month of pregnancy: http://www.doctissimo.fr/html/sante/f... In shape during pregnancy http://www.doctissimo.fr/html/grosses... Pregnancy Forum http://forum.doctissimo.fr/grossesse-...