"The Premier League Enthusiast's Guide to Making Watching Football Even More Fun" goes on sale November 15th! Reservation URL: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4046066954 Notes: Available at bookstores and online bookstores nationwide Publisher: KADOKAWA Klook's European football ticket page: https://bit.ly/3xDk4BD Coupon code: PRECHAN Discount: 6% off all Klook products including Premier League tickets for new users and 3% off for existing users (some exclusions apply) Terms of use: Can be used up to three times (3% off for new users from the second purchase), can be used for purchases of 1,000 yen or more, maximum discount of 1,000 yen Expiration date: July 1, 2025 Game channel here ???? / @prechgames Ending song SLAMIC-Prism / @slamic3878 ・Official Twitter (@prefcch) / prefcch ・Ryo's Twitter (@prefcch_ryo) / prefcch_ryo ・Ito's Twitter (@prefcch_ito) / prefcch_ito ・TikTok https://vt.tiktok.com/NUgaV9/ ・instagram / prefcch ・Hatena Blog Pre-chan's blog https://prefcch.hatenablog.com/