What heresy has taken root in the heads of Polish Catholics? Does anything in particular unite both Polish modernist theologians and the most ardent traditionalists? Fr. Szymon Bańka FSSPX Donate 1% of your tax! https://poland-a.prod.fsspx.org/pl/ne... Aquinas Schools: http://szkoly.akwinata.edu.pl/pl Chapels of the Society of St. Pius X in Poland: https://www.piusx.org.pl/kaplice We recommend the Te Deum publishing house: http://www.tedeum.pl/ and the FSSPX Poland channel: / @fsspxpolska Support the work of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X: https://www.piusx.org.pl/wsparcie-dar... I invite you to discuss in the comments section, but I reserve the right to remove offensive or uncivilized comments. I will also block users who try to use the comments section not for discussion but for persistent advertising of their sites, channels, etc. #fideism #church #catholic