Alexey's contacts Website - https://shinkanakolese.ru/ Instagram - https://instagram.com/shinkanakolese?... In this video, Alexey shares his experience of working in his own mobile tire service. After watching the video, you will learn: how much he earns in one day during the season, what services he provides, how long it takes to master the work of a tire fitter, how to equip a car for mobile tire service and how much money you will need to invest, how to develop your own client base, whether advertising is necessary and what difficulties await a person who decides to start this business. My contacts Instagram: / vitoz_inst Mail: [email protected] VK: https://vk.com/vitoz_vk #mobiletireservice #tire service #mobiletireservice #workattireservice #workatmobiletireservice #workmobiletireservice #work mobile tire service mobile tire service tire service work in tire service work in mobile tire service work in mobile tire service work as a tire fitter work