I don't know how they talked me into it! But my daughters invited their friend to spend the night at the dacha, and of course it didn't stop there! They did everything they wanted. Makeup, shopping, restaurant, dinner at the dacha, fun, skincare procedures, etc. Look what came out of it) It will be very funny, I laughed out loud) •Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/Victoria... •Advertisement/collaboration: [email protected] +79218765476 (Julia) •INSTAGRAM: / victoriaportfolio •TELEGRAM: https://tele.click/victoriaportfolio •VK community: https://vk.com/victoriaportfolioblog •TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/JJf3BJk/ •Yandex Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/victoriaportfolio •Link to the game https://socprofile.com/game_from_vict...