Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise, the most dazzling couple in Hollywood at the time, in an erotic #thriller - the tabloids eagerly awaited the cinema release of "Eyes Wide Shut" and were bitterly disappointed. No explicit scenes, no liberated love, instead Stanley Kubrick delivered a film schooled in Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis about the difficulties of desire and the intricate gender relationship that remains a mystery for women and men alike - despite all the liberalization in recent decades. But not only the tabloid press, but also many film critics were irritated, and the reviews were mixed. The tenor of most of the negative reviews was: not a really bad film, but too long-winded and, compared to Kubrick's masterpieces such as "Full Metal Jacket" or "A Clockwork Orange", the old master of film art no longer reaches his earlier creative heights. That's nonsense. The #classic "Eyes Wide Shut" is a brilliant film that cleverly analyses the structure of our desire and whose stylish images always exude the uncanny of #eroticism. Find out more from Wolfgang M. Schmitt in the video! Literature: Alenka Zupančič: What is sex? Psychoanalysis and ontology. Turia + Kant. You can support THE FILM ANALYSIS financially - thank you very much! Wolfgang M. Schmitt Subject: THE FILM ANALYSIS IBAN: DE29 5745 0120 0130 7858 43 BIC: MALADE51NWD PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/filmanalyse In the new episode of "Prosperity for All", Ole Nymoen and I explain why Amazon and other platforms are the winners of the crisis: https://wohlstandfueralle.podigee.io/ The new podcast episode of THE NEW TWENTY is here - and is called: "And suddenly a different world": https://neuezwanziger.de/2020/03/und-... In the salon of THE NEW TWENTY (for Steady subscribers) we recommend important texts of the month: https://neuezwanziger.de/2020/04/stev... I was a guest on Paul Gäbler's RES PUBLICA PODCAST to talk about WINNIE THE BEAR: https://respublicapodcast.de/f/episod... I was a guest on the podcast PARTICIPANTS PLEASE SPEAK to talk about Christoph Schlingensief: https://teilnehmer-bitte-sprechen.pod... Wolfgang M. Schmitt on Twitter: / schmittjunior Wolfgang M. Schmitt on Facebook: / wolfgangm.schmittjun http://www.fatboyfilm.de / fatboyfilm / fatboyfilm